Bereavement Leave: OFLA Details

Beginning January 1, 2014, the Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA) provides up to two weeks of leave with job protections, to attend the funeral or alternative to a funeral of a family member, to make arrangements necessitated by the death of a family member, or to grieve the death of a family member.  [OAR 839-009-0230(5)]

An eligible employee taking leave to deal with the death of a family member is entitled to a total of two weeks of OFLA leave. An eligible employee is entitled to this period of leave upon the death of each family member of the employee. A covered employer may not require an eligible employee to take multiple leave periods concurrently if more than one family member of the employee dies.

All leave taken under OAR 839-009-0230(5) shall be counted towards the total period of OFLA leave allowed (generally 12 weeks), within a 12 month period. All leave taken for the death of a family member must be completed within 60 days of the date on which the eligible employee receives notice of the death of the family member. [OAR 839-009-0240(1)]

If possible, employees should provide their supervisors with as much advanced notice as possible.  When advanced notice is not possible, employees must give verbal or written notice within 24 hours after commencement of the leave.  This notice may be given by any other person on behalf of an employee taking unforeseeable OFLA leave.  A supervisor may require written notice by the employee within three days of the employee’s return to work.

OFLA provides job and benefit protections.  This means that you cannot be disciplined for taking OFLA protected time off work; and the university will continue to pay its portion of your health insurance premiums.  You continue to be responsible for your portion of the premiums.  Employees may use leave accruals (sick leave, etc.) to provide income during bereavement leave.  If leave accruals are not available, leave may be taken without pay. See the bereavement leave policies and CBA references for additional information.

To request bereavement leave, an employee should complete a Request for Bereavement Leave form, and submit the form to his or her supervisor. Once Human Resources receives the request, a notice of eligibility determination will be mailed to the employee’s home address.

Eligible employees should record hours of OFLA-protected bereavement leave, on a Bereavement Leave Attendance Record form.  This record should be forwarded to Human Resources.  This form is not connected to payroll.  Employees must still use their regular time sheets to report the use of leave accruals.

If you have questions, please contact the Leaves Coordinator in Human Resources at or 541-346-3085.