Leave of Absence


University of Oregon Policy-Conditions of Service


Complete the Request for Leave of Absence form and submit it to HR Operations after routing through the department, director or dean for approval as appropriate.

"Appointment %" is the appointment percentage while on leave. A full leave would be 0.00 percent appointment; a half-time leave would be 50 percent appointment; one-third leave would be a 67 percent appointment.

"Appointment % reduction" is the reduced appointment percentage during the period of the leave. A full leave would be a 100 percent reduction; to teach or serve half-time would be 50 percent reduction; to teach or serve two-thirds would be 33 percent reduction.

Approved copies of the Request for Leave of Absence will be sent to the employee, payroll, the dean's office and the department.

Tenure Track Faculty

UO policy regarding the impact of official leaves of absence on the probationary period (tenure clock) for tenured-related faculty:

A full-year, official leave of absence, such as leave without pay, for a regular, full-time tenure-related faculty member does not count as a year of service for purposes of tenure, nor does it prejudice the staff member’s right to consideration for tenure for service actually rendered (OAR 580-021-0115). Any exception to the six-year probationary time period must be negotiated with the Office of Academic Affairs, and specifically be incorporated into the faculty member’s notice of appointment and contract (OAR 581-021-0130). Consequently, faculty considering a full-year leave of absence, should consult with their department head and dean in order to determine if it might be appropriate to request an extension of the probationary period. The final decision regarding any exception to the six-year probationary period will be made by the Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs upon the recommendation of the department head and dean.