Faculty Performance Review

Faculty Performance Management

Consistent with UO policy and the United Academics collective bargaining agreement (CBA), faculty members are regularly reviewed in connection with their professional responsibilities and unit-level policies as outlined below. Full details and procedures for these regular reviews can be found on the Office of the Provost website.

Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty Reviews

Career and Limited Duration Reviews and Performance Management

Performance management related to review processes is distinct from processes to address matters of discipline (Article 24. Discipline and Termination for Cause). Determinations between pursuing discipline or the Performance Management process must be made in consultation with Employee and Labor Relations (uoelr@uoregon.edu) and the Office of the Provost (OtP@uoregon.edu) or Vice President for Research and Innovation (vpri@uoregon.edu), as appropriate.

Performance Improvement Plans (Career and Funding-Contingent Faculty Positions)

Performance improvement plans (PIPs) can be used to address performance concerns for Career faculty members and faculty members in funding-contingent positions. If a unit desires to layoff or terminate a Career or funding-contingent faculty member for performance related reasons, they must first engage in the Faculty PIP process. The Faculty PIP process may also be used to address areas of ‘not meeting expectations’ in a regular review. For Career faculty who are meeting expectations in their regular reviews, activities such as goal setting, professional development, and progressing from ‘meeting’ to ‘exceeding’ expectations, should typically be addressed through the faculty performance review process and not the Faculty PIP process. Additionally, the Faculty PIP process is not used for faculty members in Tenure Related positions.

Faculty PIPs follow the Faculty Performance Improvement Plan Template with consideration for the instructions below and must clearly address and document the following CBA required components:

  1. Areas for improvement;
  2. Specific instructions to meet expectations in those areas;
  3. Timeline for carrying out those instructions;
  4. Explicit timeframe for assessing progress.

Performance Improvement Plan Instructions

Completing the Faculty PIP Form

  1. The supervisor must consult with the HR representative for their unit or an Employee & Labor Relations (ELR) representative throughout the Faculty PIP process. A member of university ELR team (uoelr@uoregon.edu) must review all Faculty PIPs before they are presented to the faculty member.
  2. The supervisor completes sections I-V of the Faculty PIP form.

Meeting with Faculty Member

  1. The supervisor will meet with the faculty member in a confidential setting and carefully review all sections of the Faculty PIP. The supervisor will seek and consider the faculty member’s input to modify the improvement plan, available resource, and follow up schedule sections (sections II, III and V) as appropriate. The supervisor will establish reasonable timelines for improved performance on each expectation, will consider related input from the faculty member, and will incorporate agreed upon changes to the Faculty PIP.
  2. The supervisor will provide their own signature and obtain the faculty member’s signature and date. See explanation on Section VI of the form.
  3. The supervisor will ensure that the faculty member understands the process for the Faculty PIP period.

Faculty PIP Follow Up Meetings

  1. The supervisor will ensure that there are regular follow-up meetings (a minimum of two) scheduled during the evaluation period. The supervisor will fill in dates for follow up meetings in section V. The supervisor is responsible for ensuring follow through on these meetings and keeping the faculty member informed of their progress.
  2. The supervisor will record faculty member progress in Section VI after each scheduled follow up discussion and share the feedback with the faculty member. If necessary, additional notes about the faculty member’s progress may be attached.

Evaluation Period Determination

  1. The supervisor must inform the faculty member no fewer than five and no more than 15 days prior to the review period if they believe the faculty member is not likely to complete the Faculty PIP successfully. The faculty member must be informed that they have the option to provide written information to be considered before there is a final decision that the PIP is unsuccessful.
  2. Decisions related to the outcome of a Faculty PIP should only be made after consultation with university ELR team (uoelr@uoregon.edu), upon which the supervisor must fill in section VII of the form.