Retirement Education

Education is a key component of retirement planning. Our retirement providers offer resources to help you learn how to compare options, make informed decisions, and ensure a comfortable and secure retirement.



Image coins with small plant, book, and calculator

Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS)

Para obtener información de PERS en español, visite el sitio web de PERS y seleccione español en el menú de idiomas en la parte inferior de la página.




Oregon PERS websiteWebsite

Information for nonretired members and retirees and access to online member services with login. 

Translate site content to other languages using menu at the bottom of the page.

Introduction to PERS RetirementWebinar or in-person workshopFor Tier 1 and Tier 2 members who are more than three years from retirement
PERS Retirement ReadinessWebinar or in-person workshopFor Tier 1 and Tier 2 members within three years of retirement
All About OPSRPWebinar or in-person workshopFor OPSRP members
Oregon Savings Growth Plan advisory sessionOne-on-one appointmentSelect either a general session to learn about the program, or an advisory session for OSGP to evaluate your retirement accounts.
Retirement application assistance sessionOne-on-one appointment by phone or in personFor PERS members within 90 days of retirement, to review retirement application forms with PERS staff. Does not provide guidance on which retirement benefits to choose.
How Does PERS Work?Video (3m13s)Describes the relationship between PERS, the state, and participating employers.
Perspectives NewsletterUpdates, reminders, and other information for retired PERS members

Oregon Public Universities Retirement Plans (OPURP)




OPURP newsletterNewsletterQuarterly newsletter with updates and education for pre-retirement employees. Provides tools and tips for maximizing retirement savings for all ages and salary levels.

Optional Retirement Plans/403b plans


Counseling sessionOne-on-one appointment, usually by phone or video conferenceMeet with a financial consultant from Fidelity to review your retirement accounts and get your retirement questions answered.
Tools and ResourcesWebpageInteractive projection tools, webinars, and other resources


Counseling sessionOne-on-one appointment, usually by phone or video conferenceMeet with a financial consultant from TIAA to review your retirement accounts and get your retirement questions answered.
Virtual Benefits FairWebpageInteractive projection tools and other resources
WebcastsOn-demand webinarsTopics include: Tomorrow in Focus, Inside Money, Money at Work, Optimizing Your Retirement.

Recursos en español


Folleto "Conozca al equipo de asesoramiento en español de TIAA"

Seminarios web y documentosLos temas incluyen las basas de la inversión, cómo gestionar los ingresos y las deudas, y opciones de ingresos en la jubilación.