Post-docs who are not paid by the University of Oregon have health insurance coverage available on a self-pay basis through the Public Employees' Benefit Board (PEBB.) PEBB is responsible for contracting with carriers and administering the benefits program for self-pay individuals.
How the PEBB Program Works
Individuals who receive postdoctoral fellowships at the UO are eligible to enroll in the following plans on a self-pay basis:
- Medical Plan
- Dental Plan
- Vision Plan
Dental and vision coverage is not available unless you enroll in a medical plan. However, you can elect only medical coverage.
There are multiple medical and dental plans available in Lane County. Other counties may have additional plans.
PEBB Plan Information
How and When to Enroll
You are eligible for coverge to begin the first of the month after you become a post-doc as long as you submit forms and pay premiums before the end of the month you are hired in. You do have 30 days to enroll, however the effective date of your insurance coverage will be delayed if you wait. The enrollment form must be submitted to:
BenefitHelp Solutions
P.O. Box 67240
Portland, OR 97268-1240.
Self-payment of Premiums
BenefitHelp Solutions will bill you on a monthly basis. Your bill will include an additional fee for the administrative services provided by BenefitHelp Solutions. BenefitHelp Solutions is responsible for processing your enrollment forms and remitting your premiums to the insurance company. If you have questions about a billing issue, including payment options, you should contact BenefitHelp Solutions at 1-800-556-3137.
If your grant provides money for insurance, you may be eligible for reimbursement of the premium you paid BenefitHelp Solutions. Please check with the payroll or personnel person in your department after you make your payment each month and, if eligible, you can be reimbursed.
Making Changes
Once enrollment forms have been processed, you have made your initial election. After your initial election, you will be restricted to the following times to make changes:
- during an annual open enrollment period; or
- during the 30 day period following a qualified family status