Benefits Annual Open Enrollment


Open enrollment for 2025 benefits is October 1-31. 

Everyone should review their benefit selections to make sure they're set for 2025, and then review PEBB's Decision Chart to find out which actions to take during open enrollment.

The 2025 PEBB Enrollment Guide is full of useful information. Scroll down for many more open enrollment resources!


Image calendar

Join us for our Benefits Fair:
October 10, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
EMU Crater Lake Rooms
No registration required.


Open enrollment is the one time each year when you can select a new insurance plan or change your dependents without a qualifying life change.

Open Enrollment Resources

Resources from the Public Employees' Benefit Board (PEBB) and the UO Benefits Office to help you understand your benefit options and the enrollment process.

Decision ChartPEBB

Review scenarios to determine whether you need to complete:

  • a health assessment for participation in the Health Engagement Model.
  • the open enrollment process.

Even though enrollment is "passive" this year, everyone should set aside a date in October to review their benefit selections and determine whether they need to complete open enrollment.

Drop-in help sessionsUO Benefits Office

UO Benefits Office staff will help you determine which actions you need to take during "passive" open enrollment and help you complete open enrollment processes.

  • October 7: 7:00 to 9:00 a.m., EMU 107 Miller Room.
  • October 16: 3:00 to 5:00 p.m, EMU 104 Coquille Room.
  • October 22: 10:00 a.m. to noon, EMU 104 Coquille Room.
  • October 28: Noon to 2:00 p.m., EMU 107 Miller Room.
2025 Benefit InformationPEBB

Learn about your benefit options with materials and tools that allow you to compare plans and estimate premiums. 

Information on this site is available in several languages (click "Languages" in the upper right corner).

Explore Your Benefits 

Explore Sus Beneficios


If you're looking for a more engaging way to learn about benefits and the enrollment process, check out this award-winning tool!

Si busca una forma más interesante de aprender sobre los beneficios y el proceso de inscripción, visite este informativo sitio web.

Open Enrollment is Here webinarPEBBSlides from the October 2 webinar are now available.
Flexible Spending and Commuter Account webinarPEBB

Register at the link to the left:

  • October 8, 11:00 a.m. to noon.

The webinar will cover:

  • What are FSAs and commuter accounts? 
  • How to sign up. 
  • How do the accounts work? 
  • What you can and can't spend them on. 
  • Important dates. 
  • How to get support.
Benefits FairUO Benefits Office and benefit providers

Join us to meet UO and PEBB benefits representatives and other benefit providers. Learn about wellness options and other benefits you might not have known about.

  • October 10, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m, EMU Crater Lake

No registration required; just drop in!