Retired Faculty
Before submitting an emerit request, ensure the faculty member's retirement paperwork has been processed by the university. For more information on retirement processing, please visit Employee Retirement. Please note that if the faculty member supervises university employees, they must have a paid appointment to compensate for the work.
Standard Practice
When a faculty member retires after holding the maximum rank for at least five years, they are eligible for emerit status per Policy II.02.03 on Rights and Privileges of Emerit Faculty. Here's how your department can formalize this status:
- Complete the Emerit Appointment Form. If you are in CAS, submit the CAS HR Unpaid Appointment Form.
- Use the position code BUOXEM.
- Leave the "End Date" field blank.
- Select the appropriate Latin honorific based on the faculty member's preference:
- Emerit (gender-neutral)
- Emerita (feminine)
- Emeritus (masculine)
- In the "Purpose of Appointment and Remarks" section, add: "Eligible. X years in rank – [Rank]."
- If they will continue working at the university, specify the capacity and duration.
- Dual Appointments
- Faculty can hold a post-retirement position or be on a tenure-reduction plan while also having an emerit appointment.
- Form Submission
- The submitter can assign themselves to all unit-level approver roles and provide the necessary signatures.
Handling Exceptions
If a faculty member hasn't held the maximum rank for at least five years, they can still be nominated for emerit status. This usually involves:
- Department's Role
- Fill out the Emerit Appointment Form.
- List both the Department Head and Dean as approvers.
- Attach the faculty member's CV.
- Include a nomination letter from the Department Head to the Dean requesting emerit status.
- Indicate if they will continue working at the university and in what capacity.
- Dean's Contribution
- Attach a letter of support or add a comment like: "I approve the nomination of the faculty member to emerit/us/a status."
- Approval Process
- After the Dean approves, the form automatically goes to Human Resources.
- HR reviews and forwards it to the Office of the Provost.
- Upon approval, the Provost's Office sends a letter awarding emerit status.
- HR then forwards the approved form to Payroll.