Workers Compensation NCCI class codes at the University of Oregon are a subset of the state codes based on the positions at the UO. This guide is maintained in cooperation with Safety and Risk Services.
Codes are chosen to best fit a position based on the position description, and are reviewed and updated as needed or as needs changes. Codes are selected and used on Payroll Request Forms (PRF), and through internal processes handled by central HR.
OR workers comp class codes are four digit numbers assigned by The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI). Oregon workers compensation classification codes contain industry standard injury rates & are used to determine the UO base premium cost. Class codes are assigned to differentiate between the various job duties or "scope of work performed" by employees.
Please use the guide to determine which code to assign to a temporary, graduate, student employee, or stipend position. All other employees are assigned codes centrally when a new position is created, but a department may be contacted if clarification is needed:

Where to select the NCCI code on a PRF for temporary, graduate/student employees, and stipend positions.