Respectful Workplace Trainings

Together, we share the responsibility to foster and maintain a culture of respect. In support of that commitment, the university offers training designed to help employees identify and handle situations of harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct, and retaliation, as well as understand the resources and support available, and know their reporting responsbilities. 

Workplace Harassment & Discrimination Prevention Training 

This training assists faculty and staff in identifying:

  • What constitutes appropriate workplace conduct.
  • How to recognize harassing behavior, discrimination, and sexual misconduct.
  • How to handle situations of harassment/discrimination and intervene as possible.
  • Reporting obligations and how to report.
  • Resources for help and support.

Click the button above to learn more and to take the training.

Image trees on campus


Reporting obligations

With limited exception, UO employees have the obligation to report disclosures of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation based on any protected characteristic. Here are some resources on your obligation, reporting roles, and support. 


Resources for employees and students  

Image tree-lined path in Hendricks Park


Resources for students


Commitment from Leadership

The university is committed to equal access to programs, course offerings, facilities, admission and employment for all of its students, employees, and university community members. It is the responsibility of every member of the university community to do their part to foster an environment free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. All members of the community are strongly encouraged to take reasonable and prudent actions to prevent or stop acts of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation when they occur. 


Nicole Commissiong, Associate Vice President, Chief Civil Rights Officer, & Title IX Coordinator


"We strongly encourage all members of the community to take responsibility and reasonable actions to prevent or stop acts of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation when they occur. The Office of Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance and the Office of Human Resources facilitate processes and provide resources in support of students and employees. We are jointly committed to serving our community as we collectively foster and maintain a culture of respect."


Mark Schmelz, Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer


"At the University of Oregon, we want to create a safe and inclusive environment in which every member of the community can flourish. Harassment, discrimination, and sexual misconduct are unacceptable and run counter to this. Through education and training, we can ensure everyone is aware of expectations and available resources and be a part of our prevention and support efforts. Together, we can uphold the values of respect, belonging, and dignity for all.”

Karl Scholz, President


“Respect is fundamental to the University of Oregon as a workplace and as a community. We each have an important role in promoting a campus culture that is welcoming, safe and respectful. Here, faculty and staff can help build and maintain a respectful community.”

Jamie Moffitt, Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration and Chief Financial Officer

Speak up to preserve a safe, inclusive workplace.

If you see something, say something. University of Oregon employees are protected by federal and state laws and university policies, and have the obligation under federal law and university policy to report information they have regarding instances of discrimination and harassment, including gender discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating and domestic violence, and stalking. 

Visit the Office of Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance for more information about employee reporting obligations. 

It is also important that all members of the university community understand they can make complaints of prohibited discrimination or harassment to the Office of Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance, and that the university will take steps to protect them from retaliation.