OA Performance Management

Performance evaluations are one of the most effective tools to communicate expectations, provide feedback, plan work, acknowledge contributions, and help employees gain the skills to be successful. They are important for Officers of Administration who often provide leadership to students, staff and colleagues in meeting the university's mission and goals.

Performance Evaluation Resources

Perfomance Management Policy     ::     Evaluation Forms     ::     Frequently Asked Questions

Performance evaluation formats are provided as part of the university’s OA performance management practices.

Evaluation Reminders:

Human Resources offers the following reminders:

  • The review period for the performance evaluation should be clearly identified and only feedback about performance during that period should be included.
  • There should be no connection between an employee’s performance and their engagement in a protected activity such as ADA accommodation, FMLA/OFLA, parental leave, grievances. For example:
    • Example #1: If an employee was out for 2 months on FMLA during the review period, that extended absence should not lead to a lower evaluation.
    • Example #2: If an employee filed (or otherwise participated in) a grievance that contributed to stress in your unit, that should not lead to a lower evaluation.
  • If you are using third party input for a performance evaluation, please use the Third Party Input form and the Waiver of Access form.
  • Any adjustments, changes, or customizations made to forms provided for performance evaluation must be approved by university HR’s ELR team.
  • If using the structured approach, or another HR approved rating system, be sure that the ratings for each performance factor and the related narrative description are aligned. 
  • If you are engaging in effective performance management throughout the year, employees should not be surprised by any of the feedback in their performance evaluation.

Performance Evaluation Submission

Please notify HR when a performance evaluation has been completed for an OA by submitting an online form and retain the review in the unit’s personnel file as required based on the applicable retention schedule. Instructions and support for completing this process are available on the Performance Evaluation Submission Form webpage.

Submit a Performance Evaluation

Performance Improvement Resources:

Corrective Discipline

Performance management may include corrective discipline.  Procedures are provided for such action:

Corrective Discipline Procedures