Career Appointment Percent Changes

Funding Contingent FTE Changes

Where FTE changes are due to funding, follow any needed notification guidelines and indicate in the request that it is due to funding. Any decrease for other reasons, not requested by the faculty member, must be approved by ELR before submitting for processing.

Instructional Part Time Career Annual FTE

Every July, the job FTE for instructional bargaining unit career faculty FTE who are part time, is adjusted back to their annual FTE. To adjust term by term FTE during the academic year submit an appointment percent change form and attach a PAW that shows you are meeting the annual FTE commitment. 

Career Temporary FTE Changes

If a career faculty member FTE change is not going to impact their permanent annual FTE commitment, the following statement must accompany the request to change the FTE. The documentation should be in the form of an email to the faculty member with their confirmation/reply included:

“Your regular AY 2x-2x annualized FTE is X.X. With your agreement, we are temporarily increasing your [annualized or term] FTE to for ([this term] [the academic year] ) in order to perform the following temporary assignment -. This temporary increase will end on [insert end date] and will not increase your annualized FTE in future academic years."

Submit appointment percent changes via the Appointment Percent Change Form

Career Permanent FTE Changes

If the FTE changes to a career faculty member will change the ongoing FTE, documentation should accompany the request. Decreases to ongoing FTE should be solely at the request of the faculty member, and a statement from the faculty member must accompany the request. Permanent decreases to accommodate a secondary position are also allowed with acceptance of the secondary position. All other reasons typically require ELR approval prior to submission