Bereavement Leave

Employees may take leave to attend a funeral (or alternative ceremony), to make arrangements necessitated by the death of a family member, or simply to grieve the death of a family member.


Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA) provides up to two weeks of leave with job and benefit protections, to attend the funeral or alternative to a funeral of a family member, to make arrangements necessitated by the death of a family member, or to grieve the death of a family member. Bereavement leave must be completed within 60 days from the date knowledge or death.


To be eligible for bereavement leave protected under the Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA), an employee must meet the following four requirements:

  1. Be employed by the university for a minimum of 180 days immediately prior to the onset of the leave; and
  2. Have worked a minimum average of 25 hours per week for the 180 day immediately prior to the onset of the leave.  These are actual worked hours, and do not include sick leave, vacation, etc. per the guidelines set out pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act (See 29 CFR §785); and
  3. Have not exhausted all 12 weeks of OFLA protected leave within the past 12 months immediately prior to the onset of the leave; and
  4. Need time off due to the death of a family member as defined in the Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA).

Request Leave

Complete a Protecte Leave Request form, and submit the form to your supervisor, who will send the form to Human Resources. Once HR receives the request, a notice of eligibility determination will be sent to you by email.

Eligible employees should record hours of OFLA-protected bereavement leave on a Bereavement Leave Attendance Record form.  This record should be forwarded to Human Resources. This form is not connected to payroll. Employees must still use their regular time sheets to report the use of leave accruals.