Understanding Sexual Misconduct, Resources, and Employee Responsibilities

Understanding Sexual Misconduct, Resources, and Employee Responsibilities is a new mandatory training required by Oregon legislation (House Bill 3456) and the UO Prohibited Discrimination & Retaliation Policy. This training provides an opportunity for faculty and staff to become educated about the new legislation and to how to create a safer environment for the UO community.

All UO employees must take this training annually, regardless of employee type or duration of position. Students, including undergraduate student employees, will complete a student-based version of the training through the UO Division of Student Life.

The employee training is available as an eLearning module in MyTrack. It takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. The training covers:

  • How sexual misconduct is defined and how to identify it
  • Resources and support available for those experiencing sexual misconduct
  • Employee reporting requirements

All existing active employees have been automatically assigned to the training and had a 90-day completion window with a due date of May 22, 2024. 

Instructor-led trainings will be available for employees without access to a computer workstation. 

Here, we speak up to preserve a safe, inclusive workplace.

If you see something, say something. University employees are protected by federal and state laws and university policies, and have obligations as responsible employees under university policy to report information they have regarding instances of discrimination and harassment, including instances of gender discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating and domestic violence, and stalking. Visit the Office of Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance for more information about employee reporting obligations.

It is also important that all members of the university community understand that they can make complaints of prohibited discrimination or harassment to the Office of Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance, and that the university will take steps to protect them from retaliation.