Tenure Relinquishment Procedures

Faculty Member:

  1. Review and become familiar with the Tenure Relinquishment Program policies.
  2. Contact Benefits Office in the Office of Human Resources regarding benefits associated with retirement.  It is especially important that ORP participants review the ORP Retired Participant Information. Contact the Benefits Office with questions.
  3. Complete TRP application, or for Law School faculty the Law TRP application.
  4. Submit TRP application to Department Head and/or Dean for signature.
  5. When letter of agreement (LOA) is received from Senior Vice Provost, sign and return to Human Resources within 60 days.
  6. When a decision has been made to retire, submit a letter of intent to retire to Department Head and/or Dean. A faculty member may, at his or her option, bring forward their designated retirement date. No faculty member is allowed to extend their employment at the University beyond their original designated retirement date.


  1. Discuss intent to retire and retirement date with faculty member.
  2. Review TRP application submitted by faculty member.
  3. Forward signed TRP application to Human Resources (HR). If there is a formal written agreement with the faculty member, the written agreement will also need the approval of the Senior Vice Provost and should be included with the application.
  4. When faculty member's letter of intent to retire has been submitted, forward the letter and Payroll Request Form (PRF) to HR.

Human Resources:

  1. Upon receipt of faculty member’s TRP application, prepare letter of agreement (LOA) for Senior Vice Provost’s signature approval. If a formal written agreement between the faculty member and the Department/Dean was also submitted with the application, forward the agreement for Senior Vice Provost’s approval.  A sample LOA is at the following: Sample Tenure Relinquishment LOA
  2. Send letter of agreement for faculty member’s signature.
  3. When signed letter of agreement is received from faculty member, distribute copies to faculty member, Department and/or Dean and Human Resources Benefits Office.
  4. Submit Payroll Request Form (PRF) to Payroll to initiate faculty member’s 6% salary increase.
  5. Upon receipt of faculty member’s retirement letter and PRF, send PRF to Payroll to end the faculty member’s tenured position.

Table Summarizing the Process


Responsible Party


Submit signed TRP application to HR

Faculty member and Department/Dean

At least one term but not more than three years prior to expected retirement

TRP letter of agreement (LOA) sent to Faculty member


Receipt of signed application.

Return signed LOA to HR

Faculty member

Must be returned within 60 days of receipt of LOA

Initiate 6% salary increase


After receipt of signed LOA

At retirement, submit retirement letter to Department/Dean


Within three years of the date stated on LOA

Prepare PRF to terminate tenured position


Receipt of retirement letter

Send termination PRF to Payroll


Receipt of retirement letter and PRF