Continuation of Income - SEIU

Continuing Income While Off Work to Care for a Family Member:

  1. Using leave accruals as outlined in the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement (sick leave, vacation, comp, personal)
  2. Applying for Hardship leave donations (Important:  there is no guarantee for the number of hours you may receive.)

Continuing Income While Off Work Due to Your Own Health Condition:

  1. Using leave accruals as outlined in the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement (sick leave, vacation, comp, personal)
  2. Applying for Hardship leave donations (Important:  there is no guarantee for the number of hours you may receive.)
  3. If you are off work for your own health condition, AND you are enrolled in short-term disability, you may initiate a short-term disability claim through The Standard insurance company. If you are on leave protected under FMLA and/or OFLA, you may save your leave accruals while receiving disability benefits from The Standard insurance company.