Position Description Glossary of Terms

Agency Funds

Restricted trust funds from outside persons or external organizations for whom the University acts as the fiscal agent or custodian. Examples include trust funds held by the Erb Memorial Union and payroll deduction funds held by the Business Affairs Office.


Self-directing or self-governing; acts with independence in making decisions.


Individual choice or judgement, the ability to make responsible decisions, and/or the freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation.

Foundation Funds

Unrestricted and Restricted gift, grant, contract, and endowed funds overseen by the University of Oregon Foundation, a charitable 501(c)(3) organization responsible for administering private gifts made to further the UO’s mission.

Full Supervision

Includes hiring, training and developing, administering corrective action, addressing grievances, reviewing performance and completing annual evaluations, scheduling, defining expectations, and termination via appropriate processes.

Grant Funds

Restricted financial awards/funds transferred to the University or the University Foundation, typically by federal, state, or local government authorities, or by private parties for a specific purpose. Grants are managed in partnership with UO Sponsored Project Services.


Rules, instructions, protocols, standard procedures, or other such guidance. Can be at the unit, division, or University level, but not formalized as policy or procedure.

Lead Work/Oversight

Less than full supervision; includes organizing, setting priorities, communicating appropriate work standards, scheduling and reviewing work, and providing feedback to managers on employee performance.

Operating Budget

Financial plan of current operations, including both revenue and expenditures, for a specific period, normally a fiscal year.


Formal statements of commitment to a broad requirement or priority of the University. Policies provide the operational framework of the University and should be clearly written in broad terms readily intelligible to a diverse audience of faculty, staff, and students.

Policies articulate “what” the institution does.


Operational processes required to implement University policy. They serve as a set of instructions or specify a series of actions or operations which must be executed in order to comply with the responsibilities outlined in policy.

Procedures articulate “how” policies are implemented.