When an employee retires, the department must complete an Employee Separation Request Form to end the job. The employee’s notice of retirement should be attached to the form.
- SUBMIT an Employee Separation Request Form.
All retirees require the completion of a Employee Separation Request Form to end their permanent position even if they have been appointed to a post-retirement position. - COMPLETE a Manual Check Request, including final leave use. To comply with BOLI rules you may need to email the MCR to the Payroll Office.
- CALCULATE the final leave balances to be paid to the employee. This information can be included in the Notes Section of the MCR. Review the Banner Guide for specific information on Leave Reporting and Separations.
- COMPLETE, if needed, an Unpaid Appointment form (FACULTY ONLY, for Emerit see below) to retain certain privileges not automatically granted, such as access to the library, network privileges, and discounted tickets to sporting events. Should be completed on the retiree’s behalf. Article 30 of the United Academics Collective Bargaining Agreement outlines retirement benefits for eligible retired bargaining unit faculty. For most Faculty and Officers of Administration, they can simply go to the card office to receive their new post-retirement ID card and you can request access for other services not automatically granted to retirees.
- EMERIT: Faculty members who have held the highest rank in their category (examples: Professor, Senior Instructor II, Senior Research Associate II, etc.) for five or more years are eligible for emerit status; faculty who do not qualify for emerit status may be nominated for such status by the department head or dean. Review the Emerit Status webpage to learn more about this process.
- SUBMIT a Payroll Request Form (PRF) for Tenure Reduction Program (TRP) appointments if appropriate. Note: Human Resources will generate a PRF to initiate the TRP appointment.
- NOTIFY the Benefits Office at hrbenefits@uoregon.edu if you hire a retiree back into a post-retirement position.