Faculty Pools

General Information

  • Faculty pools enable multiple hires from a single recruitment, based on a general position announcement.
  • Pools are normally established for a one-year period and may be renewed annually.
  • Separate pools are required for instructional, clinical, and research positions due to differing approval requirements.
  • Faculty hired through pools may receive renewal contracts on an annual basis to total three consecutive years. Faculty who have an academic year or more break in employment must be re-hired through a new pool.

Start a Pool Search (Instructional, Clinical, and Research Pro Tem Faculty)

Pool searches are launched via MyTrack, the university's talent management system. To launch a faculty pool search:

  1. Obtain preliminary approval to search (outside of MyTrack)
    • Colleges, units or departments may require pre-approval before initiating the search with Human Resources. Discuss with your dean’s office, unit or department head before proceeding.
  2. If you have not previously had an instructional pool, or if your prior instructional pool description requires significant updates, submit position description for approvals within the unit and to Human Resources using MyTrack (see MyTrack User Guides)
    • For instructional positions, the description does not have to list the specific courses that will be taught but must include a description of the criteria used for selection and general area of instructional emphasis. If the pool will be used to hire faculty at varying ranks, the minimum qualifications must be clearly outlined for each rank in the Minimum Qualifications field of the position description.  The position description will serve as the recruitment announcement and will be posted on the University’s careers site.
    • If you are revising a previous pool position description and have made only cosmetic updates (years, updates to department summary), please make a note in the position description of these changes in order to expedite Human Resources’ review.
    • Human Resources will review the position description, confirm that it is eligible for pool recruitment, and confirm rank(s) and hiring range.
    • The individual in the hiring manager field in the MyTrack position description will receive notification when the position description has moved through the approval process.
  3. Create a requisition from an approved position description
    • The requisition documents budget approval to recruit for pro tem faculty. Following notice of approval of the general position description, create the job requisition and submit it for unit, (dean’s office, if required) and Human Resources approval using MyTrack (see MyTrack User Guides).
    • The individual in the hiring manager field in the MyTrack requisition will receive notification when the requisition has moved through the approval process.

Identify Existing Position Numbers to Add to Requisitions, or Request Additional Position Numbers (Instructional Positions only)

  1. Run the Active Pro Tem Instructional Positions report in Cognos to determine which positions are available for assignment through the new pool.
  2. Through the Academic CFO of your school/college or dean’s office, submit the list of existing position numbers to be assigned to the open pool requisition and the number of new position numbers required (if any), using the Position Number Assignment Spreadsheet.
  • HR will add existing position numbers to the open pool requisitions, typically within 2 business days of receipt.
  • For new position numbers requiring setup, HR will typically create the position numbers in Banner and add them to the open pool requisition within 5 business days of receipt.
  • For fall term hires, due to anticipated volume, it is recommended that units submit this information to HR no later than the third Friday in August.

OR--Create Job-Specific Position Descriptions and Submit for Approval (Clinical and Research Positions)

  1. As soon as the specific job responsibilities for any individual position have been identified, and before any offer of employment is issued, create a new, job-specific position description and launch it for approval.
    • For research and clinical positions, the position description must describe in detail the specific research project or clinical function/center and activities that will be performed by the new hire.
    • For fall term hires, due to anticipated volume, it is recommended that units submit this information to HR no later than mid-August.
  2. Once the job-specific PD has been approved, email HR at talent@uoregon.edu to request that the position number from the approved PD be added to the pool requisition.   Please give the specific PD and requisition numbers in your request. This step enables you to complete the hire and ties the job-specific PD to your finalist.

Consider Applicants and Finalize Hires 

  1. As applicants apply to the pool, they will receive the "new" candidate status.
    • To keep applicants active in the pool, do not advance your group of candidates past the status of "Qualifications Review." 
    • Advance only the status of the candidate you are hiring.  Dispositioning candidates to final statuses will remove your ability to consider them for additional opportunities.
  2. Create an offer card for the finalist (see MyTrack User Guide: Preparing an Offer). 
    • Offer cards can only be created where there is an open position number (B number) on the pool requisition.
    • Select the appropriate B number from the list that has been added to the requisition.
    • If there are any FTE or labor distribution changes at this step, please complete and upload a Payroll Accounting Webpage (PAW) printout to the offer card as an “other” type document.
    • Apply an offer approval process if required by your school/college or if required for the position funding type (e.g. funding contingent research positions).
  3. Upload search documentation to the requisition.
    • Search documentation must contain the names of any other candidates who applied to the general pool who were qualified for and considered for the specific opening.
  4. Once the new employee has been set up in Banner, you can also submit any FTE or labor distribution changes via your normal process.