Parental Leave

Major changes to OFLA coming July 1, 2024:

Employees on or applying for leaves covered by OFLA (Oregon Family Leave Act) should know there are changes to the Act effective July 1, 2024, including major updates to how OFLA will interact with the Oregon Paid Family and Medical Leave Act (PFML). Significantly, the following leave reasons will no longer be covered under OFLA and must be covered under PFML instead:

  • Birth, adoption, or foster placement.
  • A family member's serious health condition.
  • An employee's own serious health condition.

If you are currently on an approved OFLA leave for one of the reasons listed above, you will receive a notice from the Benefits Office with more details and the steps to immediately take to ensure your protected leave remains in place.

For a summary of the major changes to OFLA that will be effective July 1, see the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries website.

The following resources regarding parental leave are available based on employee group:

The university offers many resources to support employees during and after their pregnancy. The Pregnancy Notification to Employee letter highlights these university resources and provides contact information for additional questions.