Classified Position: Start Search

The information in this section applies to ongoing classified hires. For information regarding temporary classified hiring, visit the Temporary Employment: Classified Position webpage

Steps to beginning a search include:

  1. Obtain preliminary approval to search
    • Units or departments may require pre-approval before initiating the search with Human Resources. Discuss with your unit or department head before proceeding.
  2. Create an up-to-date position description
  3. Submit position description for approvals within the unit and to Human Resources using MyTrack (see MyTrack Training Guides)
    • Human Resources will review the position and assign or confirm the classification, determine FLSA status, and set up the position number in Banner.

Following notice of approval of position description, create the job requisition and submit it for unit and Human Resources approval using MyTrack (see MyTrack Training Guides)

  1. You will build the position announcement, name the search committee, and identify the advertising plan when creating the job requisition in MyTrack.
  2. Search Committee Information
    • It is recommended that you convene a search committee to participate in the selection process.  For most classified positions, a committee of 3 or 4 is appropriate. The committee could be comprised of other staff members, managers in other departments, or "customers" from other departments. You may want to include an individual who holds a similar position to the one being filled.  It is recommended that search committees reflect diversity of gender, race, and ethnicity.
    • It is your responsibility to give the panel members information about the position, such as the position description, the essential functions of the job, and the qualifications.  Prior to screening application materials, make sure they have a shared understanding of what constitutes a good response to supplemental questions. 

Human Resources Review for Posting Hold

In consultation with Employee and Labor Relations and the Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity, the Talent Acquisition unit in Human Resources also reviews the vacancy to determine if there are any required holds on the competitive recruitment for this position:

  • The injured worker list identifies UO employees injured while working at UO who are unable to return to their former jobs.
  • The layoff list names employees who have been laid off or demoted in lieu of layoff and who have recall rights to specific classifications. 
  • The ADA transfer list includes employees for whom job transfer is indicated as a reasonable accommodation.