Remote Work Arrangements: Logistical Considerations

Successful remote work arrangements required careful planning and consideration for work space, equipment, and resource management. Refer to the following guidance to establish a solid remote work foundation:

Appropriate Work Space

  • The employee is responsible for maintaining a clean and safe workspace. Information and resources are available to assist employees when establishing Home or Remote Workspaces.
  • The employee is responsible for immediately reporting work-related injury or illness to their supervisor.
  • The employee will not hold in-person business meetings at a home worksite.
  • For hybrid remote work arrangements, where an employee works remotely part of the time and at a UO location part of the time, units are encouraged to consider how to manage office space to facilitate FWAs. For example, it might be that employees with a hybrid remote work arrangement do not have a designated, individual work space at a UO location, due to space constraints. Having shared/rotating work spaces available for hybrid remote employees’ use while working at a UO location could facilitate cost effective space utilization, rather than having hybrid remote employees have both a remote office space and a dedicated UO location work space. In some cases, hybrid employees will need access to private office spaces to conduct their work, so units are encouraged to consider this when determining schedules and work space requirements.
  • Conference rooms should be equipped to allow for inclusive participation and collaboration between in-person and remote employees.

Travel and Parking

  • Units may not pay for parking for hybrid or remote workers. UO Transportation Services has several flexible parking options currently available for employees, such as hourly parking or one-day parking permits.
  • Employees working remotely may be required to attend meetings or events at their UO work location. Payment or reimbursement of business-related travel expenses for fully remote or hybrid remote employees, whether the travel is in-state or out-of-state, is subject to university policy and applicable regulations. For more information, visit the University of Oregon General Travel Information webpage


  • Generally, an employee will provide their own phone and internet service. The department will not be responsible for operating costs, home maintenance, property or liability insurance, or other incidental expenses associated with the use of the employee’s residence or other appropriate remote work location. Unless otherwise agreed in writing prior to any loss, damage, or wear, the university does not assume liability for loss, damage, or wear of employee-owned equipment.
  • Should an employee be provided a university computer or other equipment, a Property Receipt form must be completed and retained by the home department.
  • Generally, units should not purchase office furniture (such as a desk, chair, file cabinets, etc.) for home offices. If an employee requests the purchase of office furniture or other equipment for their home office as an accommodation for medical reasons then the employee should be directed to make a formal accommodation request. The ADA Coordinator or designee will be responsible for reviewing the request, directing the interactive process, and, in consultation with the unit, determining whether the requested accommodation is reasonable or an undue hardship.
  • Information regarding work space ergonomics can be found on the UO Safety & Risk Services website
  • When purchasing IT equipment for hybrid remote work arrangements, units should be mindful to avoid purchasing duplicate equipment to the extent possible. Please review the USS Device and Hardware Standards for guidance on recommended computer hardware.
  • The employee must abide by the licensing regulations and restrictions for all software under license to the university.


  • Work completed at the employee’s remote worksite is considered official university business.
  • Computers used for university business should be protected from physical damage (e.g., with the use of an appropriate surge protectors) and be compliant with the UO Minimum Information Security Controls Standards. Incidental personal use is permitted on university-owned devices but is required to comply with University policies and standards, meets legal requirements, and does not interfere with or disrupt University operations.
  • The employee must protect university information from unauthorized access, disclosure or damage and must comply with federal, state, and university rules, policies, and procedures regarding access, disclosure and/or destruction of official university records.
  • Employees processing or storing High Risk Data (“red data”) – refer to the Information Asset Classification and Management Policy – must do so with a UO-managed device.
  • Should a personal device be used while working remotely (for processing or storing non-red data), the employee must obtain supervisor approval, and consult with their UO IT support staff to ensure that the device is appropriately configured to meet the UO Minimum Information Security Controls Standards. Remote work employees are responsible for protecting university-owned equipment from theft, damage and unauthorized use.  The university will maintain, service and repair university-owned equipment.
  • Employees must safeguard University information accessed, processed or stored while working remotely, in accordance with applicable UO policies, standards, guidelines or processes. Restricted-access materials shall not be taken from university premises or systems or accessed remotely unless approved in advance by the supervisor. Remote work employees must agree to follow University approved security procedures in order to ensure confidentiality and security of data. Employees who telecommute are responsible for making sure that non-employees do not access university systems or data, either in print or electronic form.
  • The employee must surrender all university-owned equipment and/or data documents immediately upon request.
  • Additional References

Work schedules and timekeeping

Employees and managers are required to comply with all timekeeping and overtime regulations defined by state or federal law (e.g., the Fair Labor Standards Act), collective bargaining agreements, civil service rules, or University policy. Overtime eligible employees must receive approval from their manager to work overtime. Managers must ensure accurate recording of hours worked. For employees who are represented by a union, refer to the applicable contract language addressing hours of work, overtime, and scheduling.

During established work hours, the employee is required to be available and ready for any work related communication or task. The employee’s personal obligations, including child or family care, shall not impact the employee’s work product or work availability. Generally speaking, exempt employees should try to limit personal activities during scheduled work hours. Non-exempt employees should continue to pre-arrange time off with a supervisor in the same way they would if they were working at a UO location.

Records maintenance and disclosure

The work employees do while working remotely remains subject to university records retention policy and applicable regulations.

Remote Work Based Outside of the State of Oregon

  • Departments/supervisors must notify the appropriate offices when employees will be working permanently or temporarily outside of Oregon pursuant to the Business Affairs - Payroll guidelines in order to confirm workers’ compensation coverage and assist with other compliance matters.
  • Travel expenses: Employees working remotely may be required to attend meetings or events at their UO work location. Payment or reimbursement of business-related travel expenses is subject to university policy and applicable regulations. For more information, visit the University of Oregon General Travel Information webpage.
  • Expenses: Employees who are required to work in California may be able to receive reimbursement for additional business-related expenses that they incur as a direct result of the discharge of their duties under California-specific law.  To submit reimbursement requests, please contact the Business Affairs Office at
  • Minimum wage: The effective minimum wage varies by state; units should review the state minimum wage rates prior to making an offer or approving an out-of-state remote work arrangement.
  • Overtime: State overtime rules would apply to employees working in other states. For example, in California, non-exempt employees must receive overtime pay for either working over 8 hours in one workday or 40 hours in one workweek.
  • Meal and rest breaks: May vary by state, applies to non-exempt employees.
  • Retirement contributions: Retirement contributions and benefits may be affected for employees who work outside of Oregon. OPSRP contributions and pension benefits are based on salary that is taxable in the State of Oregon. Employees who work remotely in another state (or a unit representative) are encouraged to contact the UO Benefits Office at or 541-346-3085, or PERS at 888-320-7377 for more information.
  • Leaves: Paid sick leave and protected medical and family leave requirements vary by state. In most cases, employees who work outside of the state of Oregon are not eligible for FMLA or OFLA. Employees who work remotely in another state (or a unit representative) are encouraged to check on leave provisions in their state and contact the UO Benefits Office at or 541-346-3085 for more information.
  • Insurance Benefits: PEBB offers one medical, vision, and dental plan that provides coverage to employees working outside of Oregon. Regardless of location, eligible employees may utilize the PEBB online wellness programs (such as the Employee Assistance Program, WW, LifeBalance, etc.) Employees who work remotely in another state (or a unit representative) are encouraged to contact the UO Benefits Office at or 541-346-3085, or PEBB at 503-373-1102 for more information.