When to use
Use to recognize someone who has taken on significantly greater responsibility and complexity in their duties due to institutional need and when the unit/department is not back filling the position or reassigning significant or essential functions of the existing position. The increase in responsibility and/or complexity is intended to be long term; this is not to be used in situations where someone has temporarily taken on greater responsibility or complexity in their duties. For temporary increases in responsibilities, see the guidance on interim direct appointments for OAs.
Process for Submitting Expansion of Duties request
- Unit/Department will update the position description and submit it through MyTrack using either the “Expansion of Duties w/out Pay Increase” or “Expansion of Duties With Pay Increase” approval process.
- If the expansion of duties includes a proposed pay increase, the Unit/Department should provide potential comparators (if known) and confirm the recurring funding source in the MyTrack position description fields.
- Unit/Department will also provide justification for the expansion of duties in the notes or documents tab, along with a current organizational chart (documents can also be emailed to hrclasscomp@uoregon.edu with the PD number and action clearly identified).
- HR will review the updated position description and all additional submitted information to ensure that an Expansion of Duties review is appropriate.
- If it is not deemed appropriate, HR will contact the Unit/Department to discuss other options and the Expansion of Duties review will end.
- Once all required approvals have been gained (see approval process below), HR Operations will initiate PRF/EPAF via UO Forms to update Banner and Payroll with approved changes. The Hiring Manager listed on the PD will be copied on the submission.
Note: In most cases, increases will be effective only prospectively, beginning the pay period following HR’s receipt of the request with unit based approvals using the appropriate mechanism for the pay action (e.g. submission via the MyTrack requisition process or PRF).
Approval Process
HR will review every expansion of duties request to determine whether the proposed pay creates any initial Equal Pay Act concerns among comparator (common) positions. If the proposed pay does not appear to create Equal Pay Act concerns, HR will move forward the recommendation as approved by the area vice president. If the proposed pay appears to create Equal Pay Act concerns, HR will alert the unit of the Equal Pay Act concern, will share the compensation analysis, may request information about the bona fide factors, and discuss adjusting the proposed salary. If, following this consult, the area vice president wishes to proceed with the expansion of duties as outlined, HR will refer the proposed pay action and compensation analysis to the VPFA for consult with the area vice president.
Important notes about Expansions of Duties
- Proposed pay actions cannot be communicated to employees as commitments or otherwise authorized before approval is complete. If assignment of new work responsibilities is required to meet critical business needs, supervisors should consider the scope of new responsibilities carefully during the period pending approval. If approved, pay actions can be made retroactive to the first of the month following the arrival of the pay action request in Human Resources.
- Because of the potential to create outliers with individual pay actions, submitting pay actions in advance of proposed effective dates including sufficient time for extended review is critical. Please plan on a minimum of two additional weeks for response and approval of OA Expansions of Duties.