UA Bargaining: List of Proposals

Tentative Agreement Reached

The following terms were tentatively agreed to on March 30, 2025. The UA bargaining team will take the new proposed agreement to their members for a vote with a recommendation to ratify.

Tentative agreements 

ArticleAgreementDate Tentative Agreement Reached
3 - Shared GovernanceFINAL4-18-24
4 - Unit-Level PoliciesFINAL9-26-24
6 - Policies and PracticesFINAL7-2-24
8 - Personnel FilesFINAL4-4-24
9 - Union RightsFINAL11-4-24
10 - Dues DeductionsFINAL7-2-24
11 - Release TimeFINAL5-16-24
12 - Facilities and SupportFINAL11-21-24
13 - Health and SafetyFINAL7-2-24
15 - Classification and RankFINAL1-24-25
16 - Notices of AppointmentFINAL3-27-25
17 - Assignment of Professional ResponsibilitiesFINAL3-27-25
19 - Career Faculty Review and PromotionFINAL1-24-25
20 - Tenure Review and PromotionFINAL1-24-25
21 - Review Decision AppealsFINAL4-4-24
22 - GrievancesFINAL11-21-24
26 - SalaryFINAL3-30-25
28 - Miscellaneous BenefitsFINAL3-27-25
31 - Tenure Reduction ProgramFINAL3-30-25
32- LeavesFINAL3-13-25
33 - SabbaticalFINAL3-27-25
34 - CaregivingFINAL1-24-25
36 - Professional DevelopmentFINAL10-28-24
38 - Criminal Records ChecksFINAL2-13-25
41 - No Strike, No LockoutFINAL4-4-24
45 - Negotiation of a Successor ContractFINAL3-27-25
Appendix 1 - Implementation AgreementsFINAL3-30-25
Appendix 2 - Unit Policy Development GuidelinesFINAL3-27-25
Appendix 4 - University Distinguished Teaching ProfessorFINAL3-30-25
Appendix 5 - American English InstituteFINAL2-13-25