PRF Guide

Use this page for guidance on how to choose the correct job change reason codes (JCRs) on the PRF.

It can sometimes be difficult to identify which JCR to use and when. To ease finding the appropriate code, we have grouped JCRs into lists based on the process or form in which they are used (eg, PRF, RTO, etc).

Please choose the JCR that is the primary reason for the change and is specifically applicable to the situation. More general codes should only be used if a specific code doesn't exist for the transaction.

Please take the time to review and familiarize yourself with the codes, which are grouped by type of action. No need to memorize them, but keep a link to these codes handy when you are completing the PRF.

Here are links to the codes and the payroll PRF instructions:

For employee terminations you will also need to enter the most appropriate separation reason.

Separation JCR Guide