RTO Guide: Status Tab

The “Status” tab is accessible to the VP’s office only. However, the information on this tab is displayed on the “Appointment” tab in the “Contract Status” box.

On this tab, the VP’s office records whether a contract has been signed or is still unsigned, and whether or not payroll can be set up for the appointment.

Four "Decisions" are possible:

  • Unsigned is the default.
  • Signed indicates that the contract has been signed and returned by the employee.
  • Declined indicates that a contract was issued, but the employee has chosen not to accept it.
  • Cancelled indicates that a contract was issued, but needed to be cancelled for any reason. Appointments that are cancelled prior to the issuance of a contract are deleted from the system.

If edits are needed before Payroll has signed off on the Forms submission, email hrops@uoregon.edu to edit the submission.

Departments may cancel an appointment after the contract has been printed (as indicated on the Log Tab) by notifying both Payroll and the appropriate VP’s office. An email explanation is usually sufficient.