Start a Search

Start a Search – Institutional Hiring Plan (IHP) approved Tenure Track Faculty (TTF)

Steps to beginning an IHP TTF search include:

  1. Following release of the Institutional Hiring Plan, the Office of the Provost (OtP) will create a requisition in MyTrack for the approved tenure-track position. For more information about the workflow for launching a TTF search, see the 2019 IHP TTF Process page.
  2. The development of robust Search Plans with Active Recruitment Strategies (Search Plans) is required before searches may be advertised.
    1. OtP and HR have collaborated to create a Search Plan Template to assist units in creating search plans.
    2. The Office of Human Resources will provide search committees with faculty availability data in the Fall to use in conjunction with Search Plans.
    3. Search committees are expected to use the search practices outlined in the Expected Practices for UO Tenure Track Faculty Searches document and outline their search plan in MyTrack
    4. The Division of Equity and Inclusion, the Office of Human Resources, and the Office of the Provost have formed a TTF Recruitment Team (DEI – Yvette Alex-Assensoh and Vickie DeRose, HR – Nancy Nieraeth, OtP – Melanie Muenzer, Carol Stabile (Interim member), and Anna Shamble) to provide support for this work. For assistance, contact Anna Shamble (
    5. The Office of the Provost will review Search Plans as part of the MyTrack search approval process, in consultation with the TTF Recruitment Team as needed.
  3. Build out the position announcement in the MyTrack system. See guidance for preparing the position announcement here.
  4. Following approval of the position announcement in MyTrack, the posting will be added to the University’s careers website.
    NOTE: If the search committee will be accepting applications through Academic Jobs Online or MathJobs, the search administrator will set up the search at this stage and will coordinate posting the AJO or MathJobs link on the University’s careers website with the Talent Acquisition Team.

For more information on the processes revisions related to search plans and availability information, see the Search Plan and Active Recruitment Strategies Process document. 

Start a Search – Non-Tenure Track Faculty (NTTF)

Steps to beginning a search include:

  1. Obtain preliminary approval to search
    Approval to begin the search process differs by type of search, and may be specified by the Dean of each school or college (for career and pro-tempore non-tenure track instructional faculty) or the Vice President for Research and Innovation (research faculty), and the Office of the Provost. Please contact your dean’s office for more information about unit-level requirements.
  2. Establish a search committee and chair
  3. Generate an up-to-date position description
  4. Prepare a position announcement
  5. Prepare additional advertisements
  6. Determine scope of recruitment and establish a search plan
  7. Submit position description for approval using MyTrack (MyTrack User Guides: Position Description)
  8. Following notice of approval of position description, submit job requisition for approval using MyTrack (MyTrack User Guides: Job Requisition)