Stipend Payroll Request Form Formatting Guide

Which Form to Use

Completing the PRF or PAW

Select the Job Change Reason from the Dropdown:

You may need to determine the position code and suffix before you can determine if this is a new stipend or a renewal.

  • Use PSTPB for new stipends.
  • Use PSTPR for renewals.

Position Number:

  • For 9-month employees use BUOOS9 (including for program directors or others in a non-department head leadership role).
  • For 12-month employees use BUOOS2.
  • For Department Heads (with that actual title, not Program Directors, etc.) use position number BUODH9 (In Summer: BUODHS).
    • Please note: Using a department head position number will automatically exclude the faculty member from the bargaining unit, so they must meet the criteria for exclusion.
  • Knight Chair stipends (E9KNGT) are arranged through the Provost's office and may not be submitted by the unit via a PRF.


Unlike suffixes for job positions, which are typically 00, stipend position suffixes are unique. Here's how to determine what the suffix should be:

  • If this is the employee's first stipend, the suffix will be 00 and it will have a Job Change Reason of PSTPB.
  • If the employee has another stipend with the same position number, the same Timesheet Org, and dates that will overlap with this stipend, then the suffix will be the Active Stipend Suffix + 1.

Timesheet Org:

  • Most of the time the Timesheet Org on your Stipend Request Form PRF should match the one in PWIVERI.
  • If a different department than the employee's Home Org will be paying the stipend, then the Timesheet Org should match the department's Org.

Employee Class Code:

Use the correct Employee Class code variation for less than 0.5 FTE. For instance:

  • If the employee has the EClass AB Admin 12 mo .5+ FTE, then the stipend should have EClass AD Admin 12 mo <.5 FTE.
  • If the employee has the EClass FA Fac 9 mo .5+ FTE, then the stipend should have EClass FC Fac 9 mo <.5 FTE
  • If the employee has the EClass FB Fac 12 mo .5+ FTE, then the stipend should have EClass FD Fac 12 mo <.5 FTE
  • If the employee has an hourly EClass, then the stipend should have the corresponding salaried EClass.
    • For instance if the employee has EClass AV Admin Wage Houly <.5 FTE, then the stipend should have EClass AD Admin 12 mo <.5 FTE.
    • For instance if the employee has EClass FE Faculty Hourly .5+ FTE, then the stipend should have EClass FD Fac 12 mo <.5 FTE.

Effective Dates:

  • For 12-month employees, dates are flexible, but not to exceed one year.

Job Title:

Use the stipend reason as the title without rank. Title should include the word "stipend". See chart below

Appointment Percentage (APT%):

This should always be set to 100%.

Determining the Stipend Amount:

  • List the total stipend as the Appt. Salary for the year.
    • Scenario 1: If a stipend is to be paid at $500 per month over 6 months, then the Effective Date and the Job End Date should be at least 6 months apart. The total for this period would be $3,000, which is the amount that would be entered on the Appt. Salary line. The remarks could say,

      Stipend for Administrative duties effective 7/1/2024 to 12/31/2024 for $3,000 to be paid in total for 2024 in monthly installments. Please see supporting documentation attached.

    • Scenario 2: If a stipend is to be paid in a lump sum then the Effective Date and the Job End Date should be at least one week apart within the same month. The total lump sum would be entered on the Appt. Salary line. The remarks could say,

      Stipend for moving expenses effective 7/1/2024 to 7/31/2024 for $3,000 to be paid in total for 2024 as a one-time payment. Please see supporting documentation attached.

  • If the stipend is $500 or less, use an Earning Request Form (ERF) instead.
  • Leave the Base Rate blank for one-time payments that differ from the Appt. Salary.
  • Please note a manual check request will not be processed for a stipend. Stipends will be paid on the next available payroll.

Labor Distribution:

Enter the information applicable to the funding for this stipend. It should add up to 100%. Use a PAW for additional lines.


Make sure the remarks includes any applicable convention from below, in that order:

Stipend for [Moving/FIG/Retention/Administrative duties/Department Head/etc.] effective MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY for $XXX to be paid in total for 20YY [as a one-time payment/in monthly installments/on an annual basis/etc.]. Please see supporting documentation attached.

Attaching Approval:

Attach a PDF of all supporting documents to include where applicable:

  • If pre-approved by HR Classification and Compensation, email approval stating "This pay action for X is approved."
  • If pre-approved by the Office of the Provost, email approval.
  • Employment Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding.
  • Justification statement.
  • Initial stipend letter sent to employee.
  • Renewal stipend letter sent to employee.
  • Awards announcement for Provost-approved awards or Faculty Excellence Awards.
  • UA Travel Fund supporting documentation.


Stipend PurposeJob Title ConventionPosition CodeEnd Date
Moving Expenses“Moving Stipend”BUOOS2, BUOOS9 depending on annual basis.At least one week after start date to one month, within the same month.
Retention (one-time payments)"Retention Stipend"BUOOS2, BUOOS9 depending on annual basis.At least one week after start date to one month, within the same month.
Department Head Stipends"Dept Head Stipend"BUODH9, BUODHS (summer)Match contract/supporting documentation
Endowment ChairTitle of the Endowment and “Chair” instead of “stipend”Should be an E#Match contract/supporting documentation
Extra work stipends"Admin Stipend"BUOOS2, BUOOS9 depending on annual basis.No longer than one year from start date
Retiree getting a stipend - must have an active positionFollow convention for type listed aboveBUOOS2, BUOOS9 depending on annual basis.No longer than one year from start date
Car Stipend"Courtesy Car Stipend"BUOOS2, BUOOS9 depending on annual basis.Match contract/supporting documentation