Oregon Equal Pay Act Implementation

Our work to implement the provisions of the Oregon Equal Pay Act is intended to strengthen the university’s pay practices in order to attract and retain top talent. Our goal is to build and implement compensation programs that are equitable, competitive, and compliant with federal and state laws.


Oregon legislature passed a law in 2017 that extended pay equity protections to a variety of protected classes, prohibits employers from asking applicant’s about their salary history, and expanded remedies available to employees. 

Key components of the law include:

  • Additional protected classes
  • “Work of comparable character” standard
  • Stipulated exceptions
  • Prohibited inquiry of salary history

The Oregon Equal Pay Act Overview webpage provides more details about the law.

University Action

Through a coordinated effort of interim and longer-term changes, systems and processes not only implement the law, but also strengthen compensation practices at the University of Oregon.

The university has taken the following actions:

  • Formed the Oregon Equal Pay Act Advisory Group and subcommittees that evaluated systems, structures, and processes, and recommended updated pay actions across our diverse portfolios.
  • Implemented process changes for position and pay actions to ensure institution-wide consistency and fit with overall compliance:
    • TTF positions
      Academic departments received guidance from the Office of the Provost (OtP) regarding the TTF hiring process and immediate changes that are being made. 
    • Career and pro tempore positions (instructional, research, and librarians)
      Visit the career and fixed-term faculty pay action guidance page for processes for new hire offers, reclassifications, and retention increases.
    • OA positions
      The OA position and pay actions information page provides guidance regarding expansions of duties, new hire offers, and retention increases. 
    • Classified and other staff positions
      Generally, the hiring, reclassification, and special merit increase procedures for staff have not changed; however, units should expect greater scrutiny and review of all pay actions.

As implementation continues, units and departments should expect additional discussion about all compensation decisions related to recruitment of new hires, expansion of duties for existing staff, reclassifications, stipends, special merit increases, cash awards, and interim assignments.

Likewise, interim actions and additional process changes will be implemented as the advisory group and subcommittees continue their work.

Information and Resources

An employee with concerns about their individual pay can always contact the Office of Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance (OICRC) to discuss their concerns. We encourage employees who believe their pay has been impacted by prohibited discrimination to contact OICRC by email at oicrc@uoregon.edu or by phone at 541-346-3123.

The following resources provide additional information about the Oregon Equal Pay Act: