Classified Performance Evaluation Discussion Questions

Supervisors may wish to use a questionnaire to initiate discussion of work performance with an employee. The following is a sample:

RE: Discussion Questionnaire, Classified Performance Appraisal

We will be meeting to discuss your performance over the past year and to set goals for the next year. Your input is an important part of this meeting. In order to make an accurate evaluation and appropriate plans, I need some information from you. If you choose to complete this questionnaire, please return it to me by ______________.

Please note: Completion of this form is optional and will be used as a discussion tool only. It is not/will not become a part of your formal, written performance appraisal that will be submitted to Human Resources.

• Do you have any questions about your job responsibilities, as outlined in your position description?

• What do you consider your greatest accomplishment(s) over the past year?

• What training, education or other learning experiences have you had in the past year?

• What additional training, education or resources do you need to improve your job?

• If you could make changes in your job or the department, what would they be?

• Do you have any other concerns you would like to discuss at this meeting?