MyTrack: FAQs-Applicants

Table of Contents

  1. How do I apply for a position?
  2. Where can I get assistance with viewing jobs or completing my online application?
  3. Can I submit a paper application or email my application materials?
  4. Who can I talk to if I need more information on the job I want to apply to?
  5. Who do I address the cover letter to?
  6. If there is no “apply now” button, how do I apply?
  7. The system won’t accept my email and/or password. What should I do?
  8. I clicked “Forgotten your password?” and it didn’t send me an email, what should I do?
  9. I want to change my cover letter or other submitted application materials; how do I do that?
  10. I started an application, but didn’t submit it. How do I go back to finish my application?
  11. If I started an application but didn’t submit it, can I still submit it after the posting deadline has passed?
  12. How do I log back in to my profile?
  13. How do I withdraw an application?
  14. What time do jobs officially close?
  15. How can I check the status of my application?
  16. How long does it take departments to review applications? When will I know if I moved on in the search process?
  17. What veteran form is needed to receive preference?
  18. I’ve already submitted my DD-214 to document my eligibility for veterans’ preference for a previous application. Why am I being asked to submit it again?
  19. How do I receive notification about new job opportunities?

How do I apply for a position?

To apply for most positions, click the “Apply Now” button on the top right corner of the job posting. If you have never applied in our system, you will be prompted to create an applicant profile in the applicant portal. If you have previously applied, you can return to your applicant profile by clicking “Sign In” on the right hand side of the Current Opportunities webpage and entering the email address and password you used to set up your account. Once your profile is set up, you will use the same email address and password to log in to the applicant portal and apply for positions, manage applications, and view the status of your applications.

Some recruitments may direct applicants to other online application systems or external search firms. In these cases, the “Special Instructions to Applicants” will describe the correct method for applying to these jobs.

Where can I get assistance with viewing jobs or completing my online application?

If you are unable to find an answer to your question on this page, you are welcome to email with questions about completing your application. In addition, the Eugene Public Library provides computer and internet access, which can be used to view open positions and submit applications. The Library is located in Downtown Eugene at 100 W 10th Avenue and can be reached at 541-682-5450.

Can I submit a paper application or email my application materials?

No. Applications are submitted online; the University of Oregon no longer accepts paper or emailed applications or resumes. The University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to applicants and employees who have disabilities and for sincerely held religious beliefs. To request an accommodation in connection with the application process, please email or call 541-346-5112.

Who can I talk to if I need more information on the job I want to apply to?

Please email and your request will be forwarded to the appropriate individual.

Who do I address the cover letter to?

You may address the cover letter to the either the “Search Committee” or the “Hiring Manager.”  Specific names are not required.

If there is no “apply now” button, how do I apply?

Specific instructions on how to apply can be found in the job advertisement under “Special Instructions to Applicants."

The system won’t accept my email and/or password. What should I do?

You can reset your password by clicking on the “Forgotten your password?” link after clicking 'Sign In' button from the Current Opportunities webpage. If you cannot remember the email address you used to create your profile, please email for assistance.

I clicked “Forgotten your password?” and it didn’t send me an email, what should I do?

Please check your junk email folder to see if the email is there; if not, please wait 15 minutes and look in your email again, as there may be a slight delay. The only way to reset your password is via email, so if you’re continuing to have problems, please email to request assistance.

I want to change my cover letter or other submitted application materials; how do I do that?

Applications and application materials are not editable after they have been submitted, so you will need to withdraw your application and reapply with updated materials. If applications are still being accepted for the position, you may log in to the applicant portal by clicking “Sign In”, then click the red “Withdraw” button next to the application you’d like to withdraw. Then reapply with updated materials.  Your previous application and materials will not be saved, so you will need to complete all parts of the application again.

Updates to application materials are not normally accepted after an application deadline has passed. If there are significant changes to your experience or education that affect your qualifications for the job after the application deadline has past, please email to request assistance. Allowing updated materials to be submitted after the close of the deadline is at the discretion of the posting department.

I started an application, but didn’t submit it. How do I go back to finish my application?

Log in to the applicant portal by clicking “Sign In,” then access your incomplete application and click “complete application.”

Incomplete applications are deleted from the system within 15 days; if your application has been deleted and applications are still being accepted for the position, you will need to complete all parts of the application again in order to apply.

If I started an application but didn’t submit it, can I still submit it after the posting deadline has passed?

As long as the position is still listed on the Current Opportunities webpage, it is still possible to submit an application. However, applications submitted after the deadline may not be considered; this will be at the discretion of the hiring unit.

How do I log back in to my profile?

You may log in to the applicant portal by clicking “Sign In,” and entering your email address and password.

If you can’t remember your password, click on the “Forgotten your password?” link on the Current Opportunities webpage. If you can’t remember the email address you used to create your account, please email for assistance.

How do I withdraw an application?

To withdraw an application, you can log in to the applicant portal by clicking “Sign In,” and enter your email address and password. Then, click the red “Withdraw” button next to the application you’d like to withdraw.

If you wish to withdraw and do not see a "Withdraw" button, please email for further assistance.

What time do jobs officially close?

11:55pm Pacific Time on the date listed on the posting, unless there is another time listed in the vacancy announcement. Applications must be completed AND submitted by that time.

How can I check the status of my application?

You can log in to the applicant portal by clicking “Sign In” and entering your email address and password. Then, you can check the “Current Status” listed under the job information under your application.

How long does it take departments to review applications? When will I know if I moved on in the search process?

Review time will vary depending upon a variety of factors, including the number of applicants, complexity of the position, and availability of the search committee members. We make every effort to notify candidates as quickly as possible, typically via email, as decisions are made throughout the interview process.  You can check the current status of your application by logging in to the applicant portal by clicking “Sign In” and entering your email address and password. Then, you can check the “Current Status” listed under the job information under your application.

What veteran form is needed to receive preference?

Typically, the DD-214 is required. UO will provide you with a secure method to upload this document after you have completed your application and designated on the voluntary form that you are a veteran. This allows us to review your DD-214, a sensitive document, confidentially and separately from your application materials. If you do not have a DD-214, please email

I’ve already submitted my DD-214 to document my eligibility for veterans’ preference for a previous application. Why am I being asked to submit it again?

Veteran’s Preference is applied on a job-by-job basis, which allows you to decide whether or not to request preference on every job for which you apply. You will need to upload your DD-214 or other accepted eligibility documentation every time you apply for a job and designate that you are a veteran or disabled veteran under the Oregon Veterans’ Preference statute.

How do I receive notification about new job opportunities?

Visit the Current Opportunities webpage to subscribe to our Job Mail alerts. Job Mail alerts will not expire automatically. To unsubscribe, click the "Unsubscribe" link located at the bottom of any job mail alert email. Job Mails are sent daily based on filters you set up when subscribing.