Work Types at UO

When you set up your job email subscription, you will select one or more "work types" you'd like to receive notifications about. 

The definitions of each work type are below, but in general:

  • For most non-faculty jobs, select "Classified Staff" and "Officers of Administration." 
  • For faculty jobs, select the relevant "Faculty" types. 
  • For police officer/dispatch jobs, select "UOPD." 
  • For athletic coaching jobs, select "Coaches."

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Work type


Classified StaffSEIU union-represented positions that perform a wide range of work to support the university's mission and operations. Examples of job areas: administrative/office work, accounting, skilled trades, custodial, groundskeeping, graphic design, communications, dining services, and information technology. 
CoachesCoaching jobs in Athletics.
Faculty - CareerOngoing, non-tenure-related, research and teaching positions.
Faculty - OtherLimited duration, postdoctoral, visiting, and postbaccalaureate positions.
Faculty - Pro TemporeLimited duration, non-tenure-related, research and teaching positions.
Faculty - Tenure TrackPositions with the expectation of tenure or already granted tenure.
Officer of AdministrationSupervisory/managerial non-faculty positions, or positions that act in a confidential capacity to those who manage collective bargaining.
UOPDOfficer and dispatch jobs with the UO Police Department.

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