OA Recruitment: Regional Search

Advertising Timeline

Consistent with the university's objective of attracting a diversified pool of highly qualified candidates, a 2 week minimum recruitment period shall be undertaken. The recruitment period is defined as the time period between the commencement of advertising and the application review begin date.

Departments are encouraged to expand their recruitment efforts beyond these minimum requirements to meet their talent and affirmative action goals.

Exceptions to the following recruitment requirements may be made if the circumstances so warrant. Please address questions to Talent Acquisition.

No-Cost Advertising

Free Job Boards: Job advertisements are delivered electronically through MyTrack and are based on the position announcement on the University’s Careers site. 

HR sources to the following job boards at no cost to the unit:

  • UO Website
  • WorkSource Oregon: Uses an aggregation method to scrape from the UO website, meaning it automatically reviews the UO careers website and posts jobs on WorkSource Oregon with a referral to the UO website.
  • Indeed: Uses an aggregation method to scrape from the UO website, meaning it automatically reviews the UO careers website and posts jobs on indeed with a referral to the UO website. If you want a featured position on Indeed, you will need to contact Indeed directly. The UO does not have a contract with Indeed.

Regional Advertising Resources

For this Regional Search, you can try the following popular tactics used across the UO:

Diversity Resources

Recruiting a diverse staff is essential to our sustainability – for your department, and for the UO. By building a reputation for valuing differences, we can attract talented employees who know that we will appreciate and utilize the skills, backgrounds, perceptions, and knowledge they bring to the table. By making diversity recruitment deliberate, we can bring in employees who might not otherwise consider the UO, and who can enrich and broaden our community.

Strategic Outreach and Networking

  • Personal contact is often the most effective outreach.  Network with former coworkers, colleagues, faculty at colleges with related programs, vendors, job seekers (and former job seekers), friends, relatives, and neighbors. Search committees should place special emphasis on contacting former colleagues that have moved to a different university. Some of those universities could be very diverse, and you should not miss the opportunity to connect with a former colleague as a point of reference for your search.
  • Alumni associations for colleges and universities with degree programs related to the position you are seeking to fill.
  • Industry and trade groups / conferences / professional associations / technical associations / user groups
  • Companies and contacts from news articles, press releases, and websites
  • Social/Business Networking sites: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter – always remember that you represent the University when you are conducting outreach.
  • Encourage members of your search team to contact similar departments at other University’s and ask them if they would be willing send a copy of your job announcement to members of their staff or graduates that may be interested in applying for the posted position.

Local and Online Diversity Resources

Higher Education Diversity Resources

  • diversejobs.net - This is the jobs site of Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, a leading resource for the higher education community for over 25 years. The extensive listings posted here include both faculty and non-faculty jobs at postsecondary institutions.
  • hispanicoutlook.com - The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education Magazine is a long-standing top information source and sole Hispanic educational magazine for the higher education community.
  • wihe.com - The Women in Higher Education website addresses issues affecting women on campus.
  • jbhe.com - The online publication, The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, lists job openings.
  • BlacksinHigherEd.comHispanicsinHigherEd.com and AsiansinHigherEd.com - These jobs sites list staff, faculty, and management job openings at colleges and universities.
  • LGBTinHigherEd.com - This jobs site is aimed at lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people within higher education.
  • HBCUConnect.com - The first and largest community for students, alumni, and supporters of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) maintains one of the largest online diversity resume databases, with thousands of active resumes and profiles that are less than 90 days old. This site is one of the most fruitful recruiting websites for African-American professionals.
  • AcademicDiversitySearch.com - With women and minorities as the target candidate pool, this nationwide resource is comprised of job posting advertisements, an extensive network and database of professionals, and executive search firm capabilities.
  • abwhe.org - The website of the Association of Black Women in Higher Education (ABWHE) lists career opportunities.
  • aucd.org - Association of University Centers on Disabilities mission is to advance policies and practices that improve the health, education, social, and economic well-being of all people with developmental and other disabilities, their families, and their communities.