Officer of Administration (OA) Layoffs

Per the OA Separations procedure, units that plan to lay off an officer of administration must submit a layoff justification memo for approval to the HR Employee and Labor Relations team

Examples of information that may be relevant include: 

  • Narrative description that includes:
    • the underlying rationale for the layoff(s)
    • a description of the impact of the layoff on the department/unit
    • an explanation of how the duties associated with the laid off position will be covered
  • Current and future organizational chart

Please send memo to Peter Fehrs, Associate Director of Employee and Labor Relations at

Please consider the following as you plan for OA layoff(s):

  • Prior to taking action on a layoff, it is important to provide HR advance notice (generally, a minimum of two weeks) to allow for a consultative process. 
  • The supervisor and/or other appropriate unit leader should meet with the OA to inform them that they are being laid off.  A layoff letter should be given to the employee at that time, in addition to other information relevant to the situation. 
  • If you would like assistance preparing for this meeting, please contact Peter Fehrs at
  • Generally, there is the expectation that the unit will not rehire the position being laid off.  Therefore, there is typically a twelve-month waiting period before the position (or similar one) can be filled again.
  • It is important that you follow the layoff notice periods outlined in the layoff procedures.
  • OAs who are laid off may elect to participate in the OA re-employment pool.  For more information, visit the OA Re-employment Pool webpage.